Friday, October 24, 2008


Best Week Ever with Paul F Tompkins

If you watched BWE last week, they announced a format change for this week. It will now be Best Week Ever with Paul F Tompkis. I'm not quite sure how it is going to change the over all format of the show. Will there be other panelists? Will they keep the same segments: The Sizzler and In Case You Missed it? What about the current announcer guy?

If you don't remember who Paul F Tompkins is, he's the somewhat cute guy who always wears suits. His recurring segment was Celebrity Defender.

Best Week Ever and Chelsea Lately are the only two shows you need to keep up with celebrity/pop culture madness. Don't miss it on VH1 ever Friday.


I was just thinking, they could do away with the "In Case You Missed It" section because the whole show is really that.
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