Sunday, April 02, 2017


The #AmazingRace is Back! Season 29!

CBS was super mean to us by waiting 10 months between seasons. Not cool. But it is finally back with teams made of strangers.  These are the teams to watch based on the first impressions.

#TeamLoLo - London and Logan 

I don't know much about them yet but Logan has and incredible body. He needs to take his shirt off more.


I'm always going to root for the gay ginger. He's cute but may have difficulty playing with others.

#TheBoys - Matt and Redmond 

Double the sexiness in one team. These boys are both professional athletes and both super sexy. I want to rub my face in Redmond's beard for hours.

#TeamAmerica - Seth and Olive

Seth Tyler is a gay police officer for the Bellevue Police Department. I work in Bellevue and always try to flirt with the cops when they set up outside our office building. They gave my boss a ticket on Friday. Ha ha! The flirting never goes well but sometimes they at least say hi to me. I've never seen Seth. It is usually this hot tall motorcycle cop named Officer Cummings.  Hehe, cummings. The joke around the office is whenever the Bellevue cops set up, someone will say, "Daniel, your future ex-husband is outside again." Sigh, if only. Look how sexy this fucker is in his uniform! If he had a beard I would spontaneously combust.

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