Wednesday, February 18, 2009
LOST 5.05 - All Right, Let's Get Started
Here's my hybrid of LOST with the Gilly sketch from SNL.
Kate: Someone's trying to take my baby! Is it you Jack?
Jack: No, I'm too busy writing an essay on why we need to get back to the island.
Kate: Is it you Hurley?
Hurley: I'm in jail. So once again, not possible.
Kate: Is it you Ben? Beeeeeennnnnn?
Ben: Sorry.OK new episode tonight. Last week we got to see the Temple for the first time, and Smokey seems to be guarding it. He did a nice job of de-limbing one of the hot Frenchmen. Jin un-death has been reveal to everyone, both on and off the island. I'm happy to see Jin back with the other survivors. After Jin's quick adventure with the French, the survivors head out for an even bigger adventurer and Locke's destiny with the Frozen Donkey Wheel. Back to the future where Jack and Ben loose Kate and Sayid but gain Sun and Desmond. And no surprise, Desmond quests for Daniel's mom leads him to the women he met during his first adventure in time traveling who told him he needed to leave Penny. All right, let's get started with what we learned:
- Ben knows Jin is alive.Smokey killed some of the French, but crazy Danielle killed the others.
- Jack is still kind of a dick.
- Charlotte knows more about Carthage than Hannibal.
- Charlotte was part of the Dharma Initiative.
- The Frozen Donkey Wheel has been traveling with the survivors, otherwise they would have travelled to a time when it wasn't off it's axis and stayed there.
- Similarly the ghost of Christian Sheppard is travelling with them.
- Charlotte is dead, but remembers meeting Daniel as a child.
And new questions:
- Why was Robert trying to kill Danielle?
- Why does he think the Smoke Monster is a security system?
- What did Ben do to keep the Oceanic Six safe?
- What other time periods did they travel through?
- How did Charlotte know to look for the well?
- How did Locke know where it was?
- Is the well in the future or the past?
- Has anyone seen Desmond since they left the yacht?
- Why didn't Jin get a nose bleed?
- Where will Locke be sent?
- Why didn't Locke tell Sun about Jin?
Labels: LOST