Thursday, December 28, 2006


Dcotor Who Season 2

Doctor Who season 2 finale was last Friday. At that time we were completely caught up with the BBC. Since then we've already fallen behind. The third season won't start for a couple of months but on Christmas they had another Christmas Special episode. It didn't introduce the new companion but it will continue the story of the bride that suddenly appeared in the Tardis and the end of the season. The strange thing about TV in the UK is they get really big ratings on Christmas day so that's when they put their biggest event television. Christmas Day in America is completely dull and useless.

Season 2 of Doctor Who was quite good. I like the tenth doctor more than the ninth doctor. Rose had gone from just a tag along "outside man" to a seriously smart and capable problem solver. And the slow reveal of Torchwood was great and will lead to another great show. I don't know when we are getting that in the US but the SciFi channel has annouced Doctor Who season 3 will start over the summer. In the UK Torchwood was shown between seasons 2 and 3 of Doctor Who.

The finale also saw the departure of Rose. This was very well known even if you didn't seek out spoilers. The forshadowing was getting a bit ridiculous. The amoazing thing was that she didn't die. Everything was leading me to believe she was doomed to a terrible ending but it turns out her life was much better off than before meeting the Doctor. At the end she was stuck in an alternative dimension with her mom, best friend/boyfriend, and her alternate dad who didn't die in this universe. Also, her dad is super rich and she going to go work for the Torchwood organization in that universe. Much better than death. I cried a little bit when the Doctor said good-bye to her. What a great show.

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