Season 2 of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia starts tonight with two new back to back episodes on the cable channel FX. If you miss it tonight, it's on again on Friday. I loved season 1 last summer. It was fantastically politically incorrect. The premise is three friends in their late 20's who own a bar together. One of the guys has a sister who hangs around. Last year they tackled such great afterschool special issues like racism, gun control, and abortion. This season, the cast gets the addition of Danny DeVito. Since he chose this show to return to TV after what like 25 years, you know he sees the same thing in the show that I do. My favorite moment from last year was when Dee and Dennis found out their nasty grandfather was dying. Neither wanted to visit him in the hospital so they sent Charlie figuring he wouldn't know the difference. Pop Pop told Charlie as Dennis he wanted to be buried in his WWII uniform and tells Charlie where to find it. Charlie finds in and puts in on. When Dennis comes over he finds Charlie wearing his grandfather Nazi officer's uniform and eating a banana. Of course, they decided not to bury him in his uniform. Be sure to put this great show on your TiVo.
I was genuinely shocked with the outcome of last night episode of the 4400. The future people have a really large amount of control over the past. Maybe the big calamity they are trying to avoid was caused by themselves messing with the time-line. The first three episodes were good but not great. The Nova group was a rather obvious follow-up to the government's attempt to kill all the 4400. The Maia kidnapping story was more the kind of big sweeping story I was expecting this season. That sister character was really, really creepy. There were so many problems I was having with the story. How could she know so much about Maia house? How could she also get the other kids at the same time? How did they redecorated the house so quickly? Of course no we know that Maia is in the distant future. I can't wait to see what happens next. Where will they put the children of the 4400? How will those who have forgotten find Maia? Was Maia real sister taken by the future people as well?
Treasure Hunters is NBC's attempt to have a good reality show. It is a rather obvious rip-off of the Amazing Race. One difference is teams of three instead of two. The funny thing is they have given all the teams names rather than letting themselves of the other teams do it. Also it doesn't seem like there is any advantage for coming in first. All but the eliminated teams continue on and leave at the same time. It's not the last team who gets there who gets eliminated, it's the last team to solve the puzzle. The host is no Phil either. He's some idiot who was a far too serious voice. I want to slap him.
The 4400 returns to USA on Sunday for Season 3 with a two hour episode. According to an interview in the TV guide there's going to be a lot going on this season. When last we saw the 4400, they were all dying of a mysterious virus that was also stopping their new mutant superpowers given to them by the future humans. Weyoun development a serum and cure healer Sean who the healed everyone else. Baby Isabelle aged more rapidly than a pre-teen soap opera character and marched naked into Sean's office. Jordon Collier returned from the dead at the lake where everyone first arrived. I doubt it's a coincidence his initials are J.C. And most ominously, Maia the child prognosticator announced that the war was just beginning.
Sean is just a far to excitable person. He's jumping up and down and acting like a maniac. I was expecting him to pull out a ring and propose to Tammy on "live" TV last night. Of course we here on the West Coast ghetto got screwed with the tape delay. It was clear that Sean was going to win. Both events went off very well but Sean has but more experience managing big projects so he's the one to oversee the SoHo highrise. Everyone knew that but noone would say it. Why were Don Jr., Ivanka, and George so hesitant to say what was so obvious. The Carolyn says she has a pick but Donald doesn't even let her say it. It was a very odd finale. Here's some bullet points about the episode. - Lee sucks with celebrities and VIPs
- Everyone who works for the Dennis Leary firefighters charity is a raving bitch
- Lys looks not unlike the Jagrafess from Doctor Who
- The Pontiac guy is hot
- The graffics for the new construction projects were very cool
- If this was live from Hollywood it would have been taped from 6:30-8:00 which would have been entirely during daylight hours. Yet all the exterior shots were nighttime, even Sean driving off in his Pontiac. Something's fishy.
Hooray! Tonight is the return of Kathy Griffin's My Life on the D-List. I watched the marathon of season one episodes over the weekend. It was hard to watch the tension as she was late to the Grammys and then lost her pass to the Oscars. It's too stressful for me. I love when D-List stuff happens to her and she says, stuff like this would never happen to Nicole Kidman or Gwyneth Paltrow. This season she goes to Iraq and other craziness. I love her. Plus I'm going to see her at the Moore Theater on Friday. Yay for Kathy! Her Prada shoes look as good as yours.
You have got to watch this! Imagine a show along the other celebreality shows as Dancing with the Star, Skating with Celebrities, or the God awful Celebrity Cooking Showdown, except the celebrities compete in remakes of old and current game shows. It's brilliant. Last night was Price is Right. I only caught the last bit but that included the Showcase Showdown where Kathy Najimy and Brande Roderick bid on showcases of cars, boats, and vacations to Australia. BTW, if you watched, the city they said was Sydney wasn't Sydney. What's up with that? Anyway it's fun because stars have no idea how much stuff costs. They were both way off. Of course they don't get to keep the prizes, one of the viewers wins the big prize. Tonight is Let's Make a Deal. Next week is Beat the Clock and Press Your Luck (no Whammies!). I can't wait for Card Sharks (Higher! Lower! Freeze!). That was the dumbest game ever. Also competing are Leslie Nielson, Tim Meadows, and Lance Bass. Rickie Lake is the host.